Dr Carly Moores and Dr Jacqueline Miller update the PEACH evaluation work.
The Parenting, Eating and Activity for Child Health (PEACH™) Program has been up-scaled and was delivered to families across Queensland from 2013. A total of 919 families were enrolled in the project, with 1122 children participating over the 4-year project term. The PEACH™ QLD Evaluation Project finishes at the end of 2016 with the conclusion of the funding term and fulfilment of final Project Deliverables.
The Project was originally funded from 2013 by the National Partnership Agreement on Preventive Health, and later by the Queensland Government (July 2014 – 2016). PEACH™ QLD was conceived and initially led by former Head of Discipline Professor Lynne Daniels (QUT) and Associate Professor Anthea Magarey.
The Flinders University Evaluation Team – comprised of Manager Dr Jacqueline Miller, Dr Lily Chan and Dr Carly Moores – recently presented main outcomes at the PEACH™ QLD Showcase, hosted by the Queensland Department of Health on December 14. A number of research and project staff from Flinders University and Queensland University of Technology were involved in the successful implementation and evaluation of the project from 2013 – 2016. Research staff at both institutions will continue to work toward disseminating outcomes and learnings from the project in the peer-reviewed literature, and at scientific meetings nationally and internationally. Once finalised, the PEACH™ QLD Final Report will be available upon request in 2017 – contact jacqueline.miller@flinders.edu.au for further information.