Welcoming our inaugural cohort of Bachelor of Human Nutrition and combined Human Nutrition and Bachelor of Exercise Science students

This year, the department extended its suite of nutrition and dietetic courses by adding the new Bachelor of Human Nutrition and the combined Bachelor of Human Nutrition and Bachelor of Exercise Science. The first cohort of very enthusiastic and keen students started in February in response to an increasing interest in nutrition and exercise science and emerging workplace opportunities.

With rising levels of diet-related risk factors and chronic diseases becoming the major public health priority in Australia, the need for skilled health professionals working in the area of preventative nutrition and healthy lifestyle is high.

As students progress through their course, we will be working hard with industry and stakeholders to further shape the courses to meet the expectations and skill set required in this emerging workforce. Students can also enter these courses as a pathway to apply for dietetics at the end of second year (BND) or upon graduation (MND) or to apply for other post-graduate courses such as the Masters Teaching, (secondary school nutrition), Masters Public Health and Graduate Medical Program. The combined degree graduates are also eligible to apply for the Masters Exercise Physiology, Masters of Physiotherapy and more. Students are already involving themselves in volunteer opportunities to strengthen nutrition and physical activity practices in the community and if you or your organisation has any opportunities then please contact Course Co-ordinator Louisa Matwiejczyk louisa.matwiejczyk@flinders.edu.au

AdvAPD Louisa Matwiejczyk is the Course Co-ordinator for the The Bachelor of Human Nutrition and combined Bachelor of Human Nutrition / bachelor of Exercise Science degree
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