Skill Spotlight: Tracking your professional development


Welcome to this week’s HDR Development Bulletin.

The past few months have been full of skill development opportunities so rather than spotlighting a specific skill this week, let’s talk tracking your professional development in Inspire. If you aren’t already aware, Inspire is where you manage all aspects of your candidate – from development, to progression and examination.

As part of the Milestones you complete in Inspire, you are asked to report on the training you have done and the training you still need to support the completion of your research. To make this reporting easier, the Skills Development Module has been set up to:

  • allow you to assess your current level of skills (producing a skills profile),
  • plan and record activities to develop your skills,
  • browse workshops and register for training,
  • compile evidence of skills development (through activity completion).

Using both pre-entered and self-entered activities, you can use this to keep track of training you have done, whether through Flinders or elsewhere. For detailed instructions on how to use the module, please refer to the Skills Development Instructions.

Beyond helping with tracking your skill development through your candidature, engaging in this module also leaves you with a portfolio of skill reporting to assist with the next step beyond the HDR. So find a few minutes this week to jump into Inspire and track your development.

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GA3: Personal and Professional Awareness