Returning home from Malaysia.

The three-week New Colombo Plan Mobility Grant to Malaysia was a spectacular experience and one that I will always cherish; I feel privileged to have been one of nine students to have received the scholarship. The trip exceeded my expectations in so many ways, as I met so many great people, tried a lot of different cuisine, and saw a lot of Malaysia. From the trip, we learnt a considerable amount of information concerning Malaysian economics, culture, traditions, customs, and various science projects to name a few. Our group went on numerous field trips, some of these included visiting rice fields, Langkawi, Batu caves and the Royal Palace. Starting the Sultan of Selangor’s Aston Martin was an unbelievable experience and one that I will always remember. During the trip we were immersed in Malaysian culture and were privileged enough to attend a Malaysian wedding and celebrate Chinese New Year with two Chinese families at their houses.
There are so many memories and experiences that I will remember from this trip, this scholarship was such a great opportunity to experience Malaysia and I would recommend the NCP Mobility Grant to anyone considering overseas programs.

Liam Blines, Bachelor of Archaeology student, participating in “Investigating the history, culture, politics, and science and technology capability of  Malaysia” in January 2017 

  • Check Liam’s 1st post here



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