My time at NAU and in sunny Arizona has sadly come to an end!
Before I knew it, it was Thanksgiving time and I visited family in Wisconsin to experience my first traditional thanksgiving feast! It was nice to spend time with loved ones and to be in the snow. Flagstaff experienced no snow this winter which was quite disappointing but made it easier to continue to explore the town.
In between studying for finals, I spent my time exploring Flagstaff more and spending time with friends. Flagstaff is such a gorgeous little town; there are awesome eateries and nightlife (for those 21 and over!)
The time went so fast and it was sad to say goodbye to the friends I made. As soon as you start to settle in fully and form your solid friendships groups, it’s time to leave again! The college organised a graduation ceremony for the departing exchange students which was a nice event.
Deciding to go on exchange was one of the best decisions of my university career! The memories I’ve made, the experiences I’ve had, and the people I’ve met are all special memories I will remember forever.
Josephine Otto , Bachelor of Health Sciences student, Semester 2 2017 exchange at Northern Arizona University, the United States