Every year, the Disability Advisors team up with the Careers Team to provide an awesome workshop for students who have a medical or mental health condition or disability. The workshop aims to help build your confidence and give you a bit of an edge when looking for employment now or after graduating. This year, we’re excited to start building a suite of online resources that can be available for students to access.
We’ll start off with plugging this:
Pathways to Employability
This is an online series of events open to all university students across Australia who have access requirements due to disability and/or chronic health condition. The aim of the Pathways to Employability series is to provide students with information, knowledge and career development strategies to undertske successful transitions from university to appropriate and meaningful graduate employment.
The Pathways to Employability Online Series will commence from Wednesday 26 August through to the end of September
To register – follow this link: http://bit.ly/p2e2020
If you require assistance to complete the registration or have any questions, please email Jacqui and Rob at p2e@westernsydney.edu.au
‘Stepping Stones to Employability’
From within Flinders University itself we have an online recorded session conducted by Sascha Lemon Spence from the USEP program.
This one is available on FLO here: https://flo.flinders.edu.au/enrol/index.php?id=16394
The Disability Advisors are still working away busily to create some content that is specific to disclosure in the workplace and we’re hoping to share some stories from past students over the course of the year, so watch this space!
Also, remember that Sascha has appointments on a Tuesday, and is here to help! The goals of the USEP program are to create additional support and a bridge for students about to enter post uni life and employment. To chat about your resume, preparing for interviews and the assistance that might be available to you through a DES provider or NDIS supports – get in touch with Sascha via the Careers Hub.