As a student, you have access to huge amount of support at Flinders. Check out the support services listed below.
Flinders Security
Flinders University takes safety on campus seriously. If you feel unsafe on campus, or if you have witnessed an incident, contact the Security Office as soon as possible. All reports remain confidential.
Getting started at uni – support services and information
Ask Flinders
Do you have a question about studying at Flinders? Chances are, it has been asked before! Ask Flinders lists FAQs by most popular, and by category, so you can easily find the answer to your question online. Select ‘Ask Flinders’ from Okta to request support online.
MyFlinders includes information and ‘how to’ videos on enrolment, parking, scholarships, fees, exams and more. Select ‘MyFlinders’ from Okta to see information personalised to you.
Orientation website
The orientation site enables you to navigate yourself at Flinders University at any time and from
anywhere. If you are planning to attend Flinders O’Week, you can also create your own personalised events schedule. You can also access the ‘Orientation’ site via Okta.
Flinders Connect
Flinders Connect can assist with your student administrative requirements including; accepting your offer, enrolment, class registration, fees, scholarships and general information about university life.
Learning Support and Systems
Flinders Learning Online
Flinders Learning Online (FLO) is your online learning management system. It’s the major teaching and communication tool at Flinders University. This is where you can access assignments, lecture recordings, weekly readings, discussion forums, and more. Each topic you enrol in has its own FLO page. Access FLO through Okta.
Student Learning Centre
The Student Learning Centre (SLC) provides academic support services in the Central and Sturt libraries. The SLC is available to help you develop your study skills so you can become an independent and effective learner.
Studiosity provides students with study and writing skills support to improve confidence and academic success. Studiosity is available online 24/7 throughout the year, even during semester breaks. Access ‘Studiosity’ from Okta or visit the Studiosity topic in FLO.
Library staff can help you navigate the wealth of information available across different library branches Flinders library branches, including electronic collections and more than a million books and journals.
Health and Wellbeing Support Services
Health Services
The Health Service is an accredited medical centre, staffed by male and female doctors and nurses.
Counselling services
Flinders University provides a free, confidential counselling service for students experiencing personal issues that are impacting on their study or wellbeing.
Out-of-hours crisis support
Flinders University provides all students with a dedicated out-of-hours crisis line for confidential counselling support. The service can be accessed 5.00pm to 9.00am weekdays and 24 hours a day on weekends and public holidays. Contact this service by phone on 1300 512 409 or text 0488 884 103.
Disability services
Disability Advisors provide a free, confidential service for students who have a disability. Disability refers to any impairment, learning difficulty, medical condition or disability that impacts on a student’s access to education.
Flinders University Student Association
Flinders University Student Association (FUSA) represents the rights and interests of students. Services include academic advocacy, financial support and welfare assistance. FUSA coordinates student clubs and runs events for all students throughout the year.
Oasis is a friendly, safe and inclusive interfaith drop-in centre for both international and local students.
Student Assist
The Student Assist team at Flinders University Student Association (FUSA) provides a Student Advocacy and Financial service to help students with a range of academic, administrative and welfare related issues. Their aim is to help students understand University policies and systems and the options available to you.
Clubs and Associations
Whether you want to try something new, stay involved with an old hobby or find a community, Clubs and Societies are a great way to connect with like-minded people while you’re studying. They allow you to expand your social circle, develop your professional skills, or simply catch up with friends. Whatever your interests, Flinders is bound to have a club for you, or you can start a club of your own.
International Student Services
The International Student Services (ISS) team supports onshore international students in their study and social life at Flinders, including coordinating an international student specific orientation program. ISS Advisors are also available one-on-one to discuss study, accommodation, welfare and visa enquiries.
Indigenous Student Support
The Office of Indigenous Strategy and Engagement team provides general support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students. This includes academic, pastoral and financial support and advocacy, counselling, scholarships, a culturally safe study space, social activities and more.
Professional Development and Career Advice
The Careers and Employability Service provides a wide range of services and programs for students, including graduates (for up to 18 months after the completion of study). They include; professional development workshops, job postings, opportunities to connect with employers and industry professionals, and a comprehensive range of career resources.
Other services
Flinders One Sport and Fitness
Located in the Alan Mitchell Building at Bedford Park campus, Flinders One Sport and Fitness offers group fitness classes, an equipped weights room, squash courts, cardio equipment, and more. Discounted membership rates are available for students.
Getting to Flinders
There are a number of ways you can get to Flinders such as driving, cycling, or by public transport. We recommend planning your journey before week one, to avoid unnecessary stress. If you plan to drive to Bedford Park or Sturt, you will need to either purchase a vPermit for longer term parking or a casual parking session through CellOPark, our online parking system. Visit the parking webpage for more information.