Lauren has been studying a Bachelor of International Tourism for three years, and has some advice for new students.
“For me, one of the best parts of university is the people that you meet. O’Week is a great time to meet and connect with people and some of my closest friends at uni were made during my first O’Week back in 2017. O’Week is also a great opportunity to familiarise yourself with the campus and find all your classes before your first day.
No matter what degree you are studying, Flinders provides endless opportunities to be involved at university and to gain experiences that will further your knowledge. I have enjoyed being a part of the Flinders Tourism Association, where I help to plan and run events such as quiz nights, pub crawls and balls. Through my degree I had many fantastic experiences including placement at Adelaide Oval, attending the South Australian Tourism Awards and travelling to Malaysia for a research project.
There are many ways to make the most of your university experience and it’s important to create a study/work/life balance that works for you. I find it useful to have diaries and calendars to keep track of due dates to make sure I’m on top of my workload. Make sure to prioritise your workload and use breaks wisely.
My best advice is to make sure you’re studying something that you really enjoy. It will give you the motivation to study and reach the finish line!”