It’s never been more important to take care of yourself as it is in these unusual times. There are many ways to actively enhance your wellbeing. Here are some tried and tested methods.

  1. Exercise in nature

Time spent in nature is proven to reduce stress levels – a definite necessity in these times. It has also been linked to increased cognitive levels and improved physical health. As well as the physical health benefits of exercise, getting active can reduce stress, improve your quality of sleep and your mood. These benefits are important at any point in your life but especially when studying your course online. So, whether it’s a run or walk in a local park, or going for a bike ride in a forest, get out there and get some fresh air! And remember: you must practice social distancing 

  1. Stop and meditate

Meditation is another means of stress reduction and can help you focus. Studying while trying to juggle different assignments, work, family and other commitments, it’s easy to begin to feel overwhelmed. There are lots of free meditation apps and even a couple of minutes a day can help.

  1. Communicate with staff and other students

There is some wisdom in the old saying ‘a problem shared, is a problem halved’. Start a conversation on FLO with your fellow students, lecturer or supervisor. Often, if you speak to other students, you will find that they are feeling the same as you. And if you ever want to us to get in contact with you, please just ask here.

*Have an idea for our wellbeing blog or would you like to write one for us? Email student.experience@flinders.edu.au to let us know!

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All students Student Wellbeing

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