Pay it forward – help shape the future!
Complete the ten-minute Student Evaluation of Teaching (SET) survey, and you could win one of ten $50 gift cards while helping to improve your learning experience at Flinders University.
Provide valuable feedback on your topics and teachers by visiting set.flinders.edu.au or click ‘Student Evaluation of Teaching’ in your FLO Topic Links.
What is SET?
Towards the end of each teaching period we seek feedback from students about their experiences in topics and with teaching. We do this through the Student Evaluation of Teaching (SET) surveys, and you may have recently received a request to fill out one or more of these surveys. Your feedback is important to your teachers and the University and I encourage you to respond.
Your responses are completely confidential, and details of your individual response are not released to staff. Your teacher will only see the aggregated results from students who respond and will not know who has or has not responded. Your topic coordinator and teaching staff use your feedback to help improve the experience for future students, and the University regularly reviews SET results as a way to monitor students’ experiences across the University.
How do I complete the SET?
If there are SET surveys for you to fill out this semester you will receive an email to let you know. Your teachers should also let you know when they would like you to fill in a SET survey.
You can access the SET surveys at set.flinders.edu.au or through FLO by clicking on Student Evaluation of Teaching (under topic links inside your topic). You will also receive weekly reminder emails and one just before the closing date.
The Flinders website also contains more information on SET. See the Student Evaluation of Teaching page. No training is necessary to use the system. Just log on and intuitively follow the links.
Your voice will be heard, and it will make a difference.
For more information, please email set@flinders.edu.au
Best wishes,
Professor Clare Pollock
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students)
Senior Deputy Vice Chancellor