In last week’s Ping! competition, for your chance to win an Uber Eats voucher, we asked what are you most looking forward to doing in this mid-semester break. Congratulations to our winners: Lauren C, Henry A, Susan B and Pelle M – Keep an eye on your student email for your prize.
Thanks to everyone who entered! Here are some of your answers:
- Exploring South Australia!
- Hanging out with friends
- Playing ping pong
- Relaxing with my rabbit!
- Auditioning for a dance company
- Hiking around the hills
- Find a skill to master
- Super Smash Bros
- Taking a darn nap!
- Baking new cake creations!
- working on a winter research project 😀
- catch up with readings (sad face)
- binge watching TV, except with less guilt.
- Hitting the bars with friends
- Picnics
- Going on a trip to the coast 🙂
- Finishing the Harry Potter series!
- Playing Animal Crossing every day
- Camping at Melrose with hikes at Mt Remarkable National Park!
- I am demolishing a house, so am having a demolition party.
- Going to yoga more!
- Having a local holiday and supporting local businesses
PS: We realise not all of you are getting a “break”. But remember, it is important to take study breaks.