From May this year, you will be able to login to the student website to view personalised information such as:
- FAN and Student ID details
- Mobile friendly timetable
- Course information
- Topic information
- College page/s
- Links to your topic sites in FLO
This new logged in version will be called Compass – a name coined by our Student View Group – as this new online tool will help you ‘navigate’ support, services and everything else available to help you succeed at Flinders.
We also put a vote to all students in the 24 March edition of Ping! and 70% of students who voted said they wanted to use the name Compass!
Do you want to help test Compass?
We are looking for students who are happy to help test Compass, prior to it going live. The commitment is small – you’ll just need to log into Compass (you will be provided with the URL) to view information such as your timetable, personal details, course and topic information. If you can keep using Compass to access links and systems for a couple of weeks (starting in late April/early May) that would be great. You will be asked to report back any inaccuracies or issues you find to the student experience team. That’s it!
As a thank you for your time, you will receive 1 Horizon point and you’ll go in the draw to win one of five $50 Mastercard gift cards. You’ll also be one of the first students to see and use Compass.
To participate, please let the student experience team know by filling out some brief details here before 5pm Wednesday 28 April.