Upcoming works in Laneway
There will be resurfacing works starting in and around the Laneway and Matthew Flinders Theatre in the coming weeks, from 6am on Saturday 21 May until 6am on Monday 23 May.
Pedestrians won’t be able to move through this area at the time but there will be a detour in place from the Laneway via the Humanities courtyard. Please take care if you’re in the area during works and follow any directions or signage in place.
Upgrades starting in Social Sciences North
From this Wednesday, the Uni is starting upgrade works on learning spaces in the Social Sciences North building (rooms 102 and 242). The existing lecture theatre (102) will be converted into a split-level collaborative teaching space, and the small mini-lecture style room (242) will be upgraded into a collaborative teaching space. The external steps and ramp will also be rebuilt to improve accessibility.
Some detours will be in place during the project so please follow directional signage in place. For any access assistance, please call Security on 8202 2880. We anticipate that works will be complete at the end of July 2022.
Access requirements
If you have access requirements, please note that there will be additional temporary access parks on the upper level of car park 5, as well as the existing access parks on the lower level. Access from the upper level to the SSN courtyard will remain open. Access from the lower level of car park 5 to SSN will be unavailable during the project.
If you have an Australian National Disability parking permit or short-term support permit, you can also use access parks in nearby car parks 4 and 6 to avoid disruption.
Detour in place
Pedestrian detours during the works will be through SSN foyer past Flinders University Museum of Art (FUMA) while the work zone is in place.
Please avoid the area if you can during construction works and follow all directional signage in place.
Lecture Theatre 3 upgrade complete in FMC
If you’ve been to level 5 at FMC recently, you may have noticed that Lecture Theatre 3 has been converted into two new teaching spaces.
The upper level (room 5E305) is now a new 110-person collaborative teaching space with state-of-the-art AV, new air conditioning and furniture and flooring. The lower level has been converted into a mini-theatrette seating 60 people, with new carpet, air conditioning, flooring and AV.