Managing WIL during COVID-19

During these extremely challenging and disrupted times, we are committed to maintaining our WIL placements for as long as our WIL agencies and partners are accepting students and while student safety can be maintained.  The University is working closely with all placement and WIL partners to ensure placements continue in-line with rapidly changing Australian Government directives and guidelines. This includes the strengthening of compliance statements to assure partners that all students are fit, healthy and able to undertake placements. Likewise, we are continuing to ensure that partners are providing appropriate levels of health and safety for students during placements.

Where we have experienced (and may continue to experience) WIL hosts cancelling or postponing a placement, we are exploring innovative placement models to support our students to undertake or complete placements to align with topic and course requirements in a safe and healthy manner despite the evolving situation. Developing online resources for both our students and WIL hosts will become increasingly important and necessary, and we are currently considering cross disciplinary projects to re-engage with businesses and industry and offer solutions as we eventually return to business-as-usual. As a host, the University is also a key resource for WIL, and we are looking at our own business needs and current constraints, and ways our students can contribute to and assist these.

If a placement is available and a student chooses not to take it, the University cannot guarantee when the placement can be rescheduled.  As such, this may impact on progression in the students’ course of study and potentially completion dates.

If students are unsure about any aspect of their placement, please refer them to their College WIL team:

College of Business, Government and Law:

College of Education, Psychology and Social Work:

College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences

College of Medicine and Public Health

College of Nursing and Health Sciences

College of Science and Engineering

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