Teaching spaces available for non-teaching staff

The Web Room Booking (WRB) system which enables users to make non-teaching bookings in teaching spaces is now open for 2017.

The majority of general teaching spaces (e.g. lecture theatres, tutorial rooms, seminar rooms) are open for non-teaching bookings by all staff with a FAN after the completion of the timetabling process for the following year.

Information on all spaces can be found in the locations list via the portal, this will show if it has a computer and display, loose seats, video conferencing etc and the capacity of the space. If the ‘Department’ is not listed as University, then  it is a managed space and you should check the Room Booking List (link below) to find out who can book the space on your behalf. Portal and Location List instructions

Some general teaching spaces and most specialised spaces ( Labs for example) are managed centrally or by certain departments and requests to book these spaces should be forwarded to the contact person listed in the Room Booking List. Most meeting spaces are to be booked via Outlook.

For instructions on how to use the Web Room Booking (WRB), please access the online tutorial https://www.flinders.edu.au/timetabling-services/room-bookings.cfm

To book rooms using the WRB system please click here.

Please forward this information to all staff in your area.

For further information please contact webroombookings@flinders.edu.au

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