Celebrating success

Flinders Law graduate Leanne Liddle is named NT Australian of the Year, while other successes include a local Joe Cocker concert revival and a Professor contributes […]

Celebrating Success

Dr James Padley has been named Rural Registrar of the Year, while other successes for Flinders people include a SA history book award, national recognition for […]

A trip to France from Bedford Park

Flinders staff at Bedford Park are being offered the opportunity to visit France through an interactive exhibit that is now open in the Studio, located near […]

Celebrating success

Our sleep researchers were recognised at the recent Sleep DownUnder Conference, while the World Health Organization has shared Flinders research as part of a global suite […]

Celebrating the power of lyricism

The Dorset poems of William Barnes will be celebrated for the power of their lyricism in a new adaption of Vaughan Williams’ Linden Lea, to be […]

Celebrating success

Academic studies at Flinders have informed an exciting electro-art pop project, while outstanding congress presentations and distinguished service to physical education have been recognised with significant […]