On Friday 22 September, Prof Alison Jones (Dean Education), Dr Michal Wozniak (MD Program Director), Vanessa Ryan (Rural Clinical School Director) and Dr Jayanthi Jayakaran (Dean People & Resources) attended the inaugural South Australian Prevocational Medical Excellence Awards.
The Barossa Hills Fleurieu Collaboration for Education and Training (B-CET program) was nominated for an award in the Team Culture category. This recognises excellence in the provision of a supportive learning environment for prevocational doctors, by the wider interprofessional team.
The B-CET program was developed by Rural Clinical School Director, Vanessa Ryan and Director of Clinical Training Dr Peter Stuart. It was established to support medical students and Junior Doctors in simulation and skills based training, develop team work and communication skills in the clinical setting. A number of MDRS students have participated in the program this year and have found it to be a supportive and encouraging learning environment. And while the program did not receive the award, It was fantastic to have the B-CET program nominated among strong competition.
Congratulations to the Award winners and nominees… these awards recognise positive contributions to junior doctor teaching, support and team culture. Flinders medical students also benefit from this positive role modelling, and by developing these professional skills, during clinical placements with these teams.
Team Culture
- FMC Department of Neurosurgery, SALHN
- Northern Adelaide Palliative Service, NALHN
- Acute Surgical Unit, NALHN
- Barossa Hills Fleurieu Collaboration for Education and Training, BHFLHN
- RAH Intensive Care Unit, Critical Care and Peri-Operative Services, CALHN
Support and debrief of challenging cases
- Medical Emergency Response Team, CALHN
- Professor Campbell Thompson, General Medicine Consultant RAH, CALHN
- General Medicine Night Debrief Team, CALHN
- Dr Dylan Toh, General Medicine Royal Adelaide Hospital, CALHN