I’ve reproduced an email below from Sascha Lemon-Spence who is the USEP Consultant for Careers here at Flinders.
The email pertains to an opportunity for students with disability to participate in a self-employment workshop.
Hi All,
I’m resending this information about the RED Workshops on offer to students with a disability. Due to COVID 19 the program will still go ahead but is going to be delivered in a 1:1 format with a number of online video consultations. It’s a fantastic opportunity and we still have capacity for more participants.
Please see how to register your interest to me below and then I will arrange for Arthur from the Don Dunstan Foundation to be in touch with interested students to arrange times for the online consults.
This is open to any student with a Disability and an idea. Please feel free to discuss it amongst your networks.
Please see attached information about an upcoming opportunity. Rapid Enterprise Development (RED) is an opportunity for students with a disability, to workshop and develop ideas for self-employment or micro enterprise. Guy Turnball from the Don Dunstan Foundation, will be facilitating the workshops, which aim to discover and tease out ideas that students may have and offer mentorship and networking opportunities.
Here is an extract from the attachment
The RED Workshops offer a safe environment to pressure test an idea, challenge assumptions and provide the accessible tools to have a go. It is an opportunity for anyone with a passion to have a go. Importantly, participants need not have an existing business idea – RED has a portfolio of tabletop enterprise ideas that are available to all participants, from soap making to dog walking. Participants will know after one day whether to pursue an idea or to go back and do more research.
Please let me know via the usep@cbsinc.oeg.au email about your interest in participating. I will be also holding a waitlist.
I will need
- Name
- Short explanation of your idea ( this will remain confidential as we realise some people may want this protected)
- What you are Studying
- Do you have an NDIS plan?
Kind Regards
Sascha Lemon-Spence
USEP Consultant | Careers and Employability Service
Flinders University | Bedford Park | Level 2, Central Library Building
(08) 8179 4100 | 0448 000 897
RED Press Release 121119_FINAL (3) (3) (3)