Details of a survey being conducted at Curtin University on the barriers that students with disability face at university and beyond, came into my inbox. I’ve reproduced below for those students and staff that might be interested in taking part.
Seeking survey participants: Supporting students with disabilities to succeed in and after higher education
NCSEHE Equity Fellows Tim Pitman and David Eckstein are currently seeking survey respondents for their 2020 projects on supporting students with disabilities to succeed in and after higher education.
These projects are being conducted by Tim Pitman (Curtin University) and David Eckstein (Swinburne University of Technology) and are funded by grants from the NCSEHE.
Tim and David are investigating how Australian universities can best support students with disabilities, during their studies and beyond.
They would like to know what barriers students with disability face, both at university and when getting the work they want after graduation.
They want to hear from students with disability as well as staff working in higher education institutions, regardless of whether or not their job role involves supporting students with disability.
Students completing the student survey will be eligible for entry into a prize draw. There will be ten winners, each receiving a $100 Amazon gift voucher.
Participant information
Student and staff surveys can be accessed here:
Read the prize draw terms and conditions here.