On Saturday 18 July Registry Road buses from bus stops B and C will be diverted to bus stop A (closest to the gym) between 7am and 5pm. All Registry Road bus services will stop at bus stop A during this time.
The footpath near bus stops B and C will not be accessible during this time while the vegetation is removed on the lower part of the rock face. This is part of the preliminary work to improve the amenity and safety of the bus shelter on Registry Road.
As part of the capital project to improve the safety and amenity of the footpath and bus shelters on Registry Road, next Saturday 25th July from 7.30am there will be surveying and geotechnical assessment works undertaken adjacent to bus stops A, B and C on Registry Road. This work is required to inform the footpath widening design and is expected to be complete by midday.
Bus stops and adjacent footpaths will be closed in stages when works are undertaken next to them and signage will be in place to direct buses, bus passengers and pedestrians accordingly. Our contractor will also have a consultant on site to address any passenger questions.