Chaplains are available at Oasis and satellite sites for students wanting someone to talk to about spiritual health. This post is just a quick note that there will be a gap in chaplaincy services for the week starting the 3rd October, starting to return to normal after the 10th. Reading time ~ 1 minute.
I got a note from Dave the coordinating Chaplain letting me know about a brief gap in chaplaincy services from the 3rd to the 10th October, with services resuming incrementally after that.
This means Maria and Toh won’t be at their respective sites at Sturt and Tonsley and Deb and Dave won’t be at Oasis.
Chaplains start to return from the 10th October onwards.
Even though they will be away for a little while, feel free to send them an email telling them you’d like to reconnect when they return.
You can read more about chaplaincy services at this post (including their contact details). Students are often not aware that chaplains can make a great point of contact if you need someone to talk to. Contrary to popular belief that Chaplains provide a religious service, they actually provide a spiritual health service – useful when we are feeling a little lost and can’t connect together the pieces of our life. Their job isn’t converting you to a particular set of beliefs. Their job is to help you on your own spiritual health path.
Their latest brochure is included below as well.