Some important updates re: traffic management on University Drive from the 14th October. May mean changing your routines or leaving a little extra time to when travelling to and from Uni. Reading time ~ 2 minutes.
Howdy all – got this road access update from Property, Facilities and Development. Enjoy (or at least be informed).
Hi all
From Friday 14th October, localised traffic management will be in place on University Drive, with works commencing from the Sturt Road end of University Drive.
To minimise disruption, lanes travelling south into University Drive from Sturt Road will remain open. In addition, two lanes of traffic north bound will be open from 3pm – 6am to assist people leaving campus through peak time. There will be no parking available on the western side of University Drive during this time.
During non-peak time (between 6am and 3pm) for north bound traffic along University Drive, there will be one lane open.
At times, only one turning lane may be available travelling north along University Drive and turning east onto Sturt Drive or Sturt Road.
It’s likely road works will be required in November at the intersection of Sports Road and University Drive and may necessitate further traffic management. Further updates will be provided once these details are known.
In the meantime, please slow down along University Drive, follow all signage, observe speed restrictions and changed conditions. Please take additional care, particularly when workers are on-site and allow additional time to exit campus via this route.
Thank you for your understanding as we undertake this essential work.