Cool wellbeing stuff to hit my desk – Issue 3

I come across way more cool wellbeing-related content than I can possibly cover here on the blog, so I’m doing the occasional ‘linkfest’ of stuff I’ve come across. In today’s collection are articles on OCD, ADHD, being alert in the morning, tackling worrying thoughts, living with less, stress and a book on study tips.

Stuck in a loop of worrying thoughts? – here are some methods to break out of rumination from the excellent Psyche online magazine

Is living with less (e.g. minimalism) really associated with greater wellbeing? A story from the ABC explores this. 

A few tips on how to feel more alert in the morning from the British Psychological Society

You can actually have a healthier relationship with stress. 7 methods from the Greater Good Science Center

Have ADHD? Have you tried Body Doubling?

Learn more about Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

One for the reading list? Study Like a Champ: The Psychology-Based Guide to “Grade A” Study Habits


I use Pocket to save articles and websites for later reading –

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