Mindfulness to increase resilience in university students
Mindfulness meditation is very popular at the moment. Maybe I am just attuned to it because of my profession, but I seem to be hearing […]
Mindfulness meditation is very popular at the moment. Maybe I am just attuned to it because of my profession, but I seem to be hearing […]
Every year we review our statistics on the students we’ve seen and the problems/challenges they are dealing with. Year in, year out, the most common […]
This is a modified re-post from https://blogs.flinders.edu.au/cilt/2019/03/01/do-your-students-need-english-language-support/ The English Language Support Program (ELSP) run by the Student Learning Centre provides free modules taught by experienced […]
Update 9/11/20 – I am revising this guide significantly at the moment, so stay tuned! I reckon all of us are trying to get better […]
The Resilience Project delivers emotionally engaging programs to schools, sports clubs and businesses, providing practical, evidence-based, positive mental health strategies to build resilience and happiness. […]
I occasionally chat with Uni students about financial literacy/ confidence. I firmly believe that learning to manage your finances is one of the most powerful […]
Work is already underway, by members of the Health, Counselling and Disability Services team, to organise our wellbeing programs for 2019. In collaboration with OASIS, […]
If I told you that you have fundamental physical needs like food, water, shelter and clean air, this would not be a surprise to you. […]
One of the joys of being in control of a blog is the opportunities it opens up for shameless self-promotion. That is what I am […]
Welcome to Part 4 of ‘Becoming a Behaviour Change Expert’. In this series I am looking at the different skills and techniques that you can […]
Studyology is a drop-in support group for students who want to hone their study skills. This might include getting on top of procrastination, finding that […]