Topic Rollover in FLO Semester 1, 2021: it’s not too early to start think...
Are you thinking about your 2021 FLO topics yet? The Online Learning and Teaching (OLT) team are and would like to encourage all Topic Coordinators and […]
Are you thinking about your 2021 FLO topics yet? The Online Learning and Teaching (OLT) team are and would like to encourage all Topic Coordinators and […]
Are you thinking about your 2021 FLO topics yet? The Online Learning and Teaching (OLT) team are and would like to encourage all Topic Coordinators and […]
Did you know that Collaborate is upgraded on a regular basis? Updates can involve minor fixes or major changes and are always designed to improve performance. […]
With teaching moving online rapidly in Semester 1 and noting the changes required to support this, you may have already started thinking about preparing your Semester […]
Lecture recordings now include a download link making it easier for students to download their recordings. For information on lecture recording visit the Digital Student and […]
Collaborate is an educational tool that increases student engagement and promotes social learning. With Collaborate you can synchronise online sessions using video and audio and other […]
Each time you teach a topic you’ll most likely review and update your materials. Often, you’ll be looking for ways to improve learning and student engagement. […]
Last month, the LMS demonstration sites and survey were closed to students and staff. Since then, the project team have been busy collating and analysing the […]
Attendance tool The attendance tool will be updated in June. This update will allow in-room attendance to be taken with the assistance of QR codes. For […]