Hello readers
So I just got an email informing me of the upcoming Flinders Health Research Week – https://www.flinders.edu.au/engage/culture/whats-on/flinders-health-research
I thought I would share it with you 🙂
The three “Flinders” – Flinders University, Flinders Foundation and the Flinders Medical Centre through the Southern Adelaide Health Network – are delighted to be holding our inaugural Health Research week from September 4 to 8 and I encourage you attend.
A rich schedule of events guarantees there is something of interest for everyone – from the ‘Flinders Foundation Shark Tank’, an event in the spirit of the TV show bringing together a group of young, inspirational and dynamic researchers who are leading the way within the Flinders Centre for Innovation in Cancer, to Yoga as an adjuvant treatment for combatting post-traumatic stress disorder.
Topics and key themes include cancer, mental health, rehabilitation, cardiology, rheumatology, women’s health, public health, orthopaedics, gastroenterology, infectious diseases, surgery and arts in health.
The events of the week showcase the work of our leading researchers whose discoveries are saving countless lives or developing life-saving breakthroughs of the future.
Highlights of the week include:
• Presentations by visiting Professors Jeffrey Braithwaite of the Australian Institute of Health Innovation and Grant McArthur from the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre
• the “Lighthouse Project” at the Flinders Medical Centre which is improving outcomes for Indigenous people with acute coronary syndrome
• The 40th anniversary of the Flinders Centre for Neuroscience, with high profile original members including former Vice-Chancellor Emeritus Professor Ian Chubb AC and Emeritus Professors Laurie Geffen AM and John Chalmers AC participating in a panel session.
Research Week will include the 2017 John Chalmers lecture, to be presented this year by Professor Anne Kelso, Chief Executive Officer of the National Health and Medical Research Council.
The Hon Jack Snelling Minister for Health will open research week at the Flinders Centre for Cancer Innovation and there will be presentations by the Vice-Chancellor Professor Colin Stirling and CEO Flinders Foundation Amanda Shiell.
Sessions will be held at the Flinders Medical Centre, Repatriation General Hospital, Noarlunga Hospital, Medical Device Institute at Tonsley Campus and the Flinders University.
Full details of the program are available at – https://www.flinders.edu.au/engage/culture/whats-on/flinders-health-research
Registration for events is here – https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/flinders-health-research-week-registration-36737313293?aff=affiliate1
I hope you can join us for this celebration of our great research.
Tell your friends! Tell anyone that will listen!
Might see you there 🙂