Cycling safety workshops at Bedford Park and Sturt Campuses

Bicycle Safey


You might not know it to look at me, but I used to get around everywhere on my bike. I had amazing calves. I also did not wear lycra.

Riding a bike for transport is a great way to stay fit, and enrage truck drivers.

If you’d like to learn more about how to stay safe on a bike, you might be interested in some workshops being run by Bicycle SA here on campus.

The workshops will take place as follows:

Bedford Park campus

21 February 2018, 2.30pm, The Studio in the Student Hub

Registrations to by 19 February 2018

Sturt campus

21 February 2018, 12.00pm, N317

21 February 2018, 1.00pm, N317

Registrations to by 19 February 2018

About the workshops

The workshops will address the three most common cycling accidents and strategies to avoid them. Workshops will not cover how to unpick a lycra wedgie or avoid Pokemon.

Each workshop will be 30-minutes in duration and both experienced and novice cyclists are welcome to attend.

All participants will receive a gift pack valued at $50, which includes a saddle bag, slap bands, a backpack cover, a sticker and three-month membership to Bicycle SA.

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Flinders services and programs

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