I use the term ‘wellbeing’ a lot.
The truth is there are many types of wellbeing: physical, mental, social, spiritual, occupational, psychological, cultural
Broadly speaking they involve how well we are doing in different aspects of our life.
Here at HCDS, we are primarily focused on students’ physical and mental wellbeing. At OASIS, social, cultural and spiritual wellbeing are the focus.
Other services in the university meet other wellbeing needs.
I reached out to the Careers service, and got them to pen something quickly about the services they offer. Morgan replied with the content below. I enhanced it a bit with some pictures cause everything is better with pictures.
We are dedicated to supporting you to prepare for and step into your career.
The Careers and Employability Services is a free service within the University. We offer a range of services and programs to help you:
- Plan your career
- Broaden your skills and experience (e.g. the Horizon Professional Development Program)
- Connect with employers and industry professionals
- Find job opportunities
- Prepare for employment
We also work closely with employers to engage and connect them with you, our talented students and graduates.
Explore the CareerHub homepage (via Okta) and keep an eye out for our weekly newsletter to discover all our free services and opportunities available. You can also follow us on Twitter @FlindersCareers
If you have an questions please feel free to contact us:
P: 8201 2832
E: careers@flinders.edu.au
A quick note about Okta…
If you are not familiar with Okta, it is a central sign-in point for accessing a range of Flinders Services.
You access it by visiting https://flinders.okta.com and using your FAN and password to get in.
Once in, you’ll get a homepage with a range of available services you can access. CareerHUB should be one of them. If it isn’t search for it in the top search bar.
Clicking CareerHUB will take you to the CareerHub website. From there, explore the range of services they offer.
If you’ve scrolled down this far, then you deserve some chocolate.