Skylight, who offer up-to-date information, mental health support and NDIS services for people experiencing mental illness, are developing a mental health service for people with chronic fatigue syndrome/ myalgic encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME) and their carers.
As part of the process they would like to consult with people who live with these conditions.
Specifically they would like to discuss:
- Mental health and CFS/ME
- Challenges people living CFS/ME and their carers may face
- What type of services would be beneficial
They are holding a consultation session on the 20th March at their Wayville office (5 Cooke Terrace, Wayville, SA, 5034) from 5.30 to 6.30pm
For more information or to register your interest, please contact their Customer Relations Team at 8378 4100 or crt@skylight.org.au. Bookings can be made via the website at www.skylight.org.au/events/general-events/cfs
If you cannot attend, we also welcome feedback via phone. Please contact their Customer Relations Team to make an appointment for a phone meeting.
Flyer attached