The ADHD SuperPower

Lego figurines of Batman and Superman


Forget the stereotypical images from the media of out of control children destroying furniture, today we’re talking with a real Flinders student, James, about how ADHD affects his study and life.

Yes, ADHD is real, it is a SuperPower and you may be surprised how it impacts someone. Read on….

How would you describe ADHD?

“ADHD is one of the most remarkable and one of the most challenging things to deal with.  ADHD is more like a spectrum where it affects people differently, it’s very individual.

It’s like being stuck with 5 needles of adrenalin in the morning. I can do so much at once and can cope with that. Some days I am so innovative and have multiple thoughts at once. Like a kaleidoscope with lots of different views of myself and the environments I’m in. No one day is the same or straightforward.”


What is tricky about studying at uni with ADHD?

“Firstly, finding a comfortable environment that I can study and sit still in. I am so easily distracted and hyper-sensitive to noises and people around, it can be hard to focus and study.

I’m very conscience of environments which have a negative impact on me, and I’m careful about which environments I am in to maintain my well-being.

Be aware that someone with ADHD is probably also managing other conditions. It can cross over into Autism, Depression, and Anxiety type experiences. Some days I have massive problems with rumination and over-thinking. Sometimes I isolate myself because of the cascade of thoughts in my mind.”


How is ADHD a Superpower?

“I feel like I am one of a kind. A lot of people have very negative associations of ADHD because of negative misconceptions and the media. But I can smash out an assignment quickly and with high quality, when I need to and the pressure is high.

I can learn really fast and retain and recall information about something I’m interested in. When I’m interested in something I can be hyper focused, and have great concentration.

I have rapid thoughts of innovation and new ideas, I can think of alternative pathways – I could go on Shark Tank every day with great new ideas.

I have good body intuition, and awareness of what’s happening in my body. I use really complex heuristics in my brain, my neural pathways are fast and complex.

I’ve had to implement lots of brain training over the years to get to where I am. I have a greater understanding of the depth of how my brain works. I have developed skills of management and analysis, and spent time developing myself more than most people have had to experience at the same age, due to the complex nature of my neurological pathways.

I believe all people go through this process of self-actualisation, however I believe some people (eg with similar ADHD or experience in life),  have had to develop these skills in a faster or more complex way.

Once a person with ADHD has learned how to regulate emotions, concentration, and developed their holistic management style of their symptomology, they can channel these energies or focuses and use them in very important and meaningful ways.”


Thanks James for your insights and vulnerability and see below for more information about ADHD:

Jessica McCabe’s ADHD Videos are a must-see:

TED Talk

How to ADHD

Other Resources:

ADHD Australia

ADDitude magazine

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Disability Advisor Kirsten Disability News Student post Well-being

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