Supporting the mental wellbeing of mature-aged university students from regional and remote Australia


Many interesting things arrive in my various email inboxes. This one concerns mature-aged undergraduate students who come from regional or remote Australia. If that is you, or someone you know, read on…..

NCSEHE Equity Fellow Dr Nicole Crawford is keen to hear from students for her national research project on supporting the mental wellbeing of mature-aged undergraduate university students who come from regional and remote areas in Australia.

She is looking to better understand the issues and factors that impact (positively and negatively) on the wellbeing of mature-aged undergraduate university students who are from regional and
remote areas in Australia so she can:

  • identify proactive strategies and approaches to support student wellbeing
  • develop evidence-based, strength-based sets of guidelines for students, staff and


  • Are you an undergraduate student?
  • Were you older than 20 when you commenced your undergraduate course?
  • Are you from a regional, rural or remote area?

If so, you’re invited to participate in this anonymous online survey:

Posted in
Participate Research Trials Well-being

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