A message from Health, Counselling and Disability Services admin…..
Will be CLOSED for
Australia Day Public Holiday
Monday 27th January 2020
We re-open
08:45am Tuesday 28th January 2020
If you need to see a Doctor during this time please see below:
For a Counselling Crisis phone or text
Flinders Out of Hours Crisis Line ph. 1300 512 409
Or text mobile 0488 884 103
If there is a Medical Emergency
Phone 000
Marion Domain Medical Centre is open daily:
Call 8375 7000 or visit – https://www.mariondomainmedicalcentre.com.au/
After hours phone the National Home Dr. Service, if you require a HOME Visit
Ph.13 74 25 or visit https://homedoctor.com.au/
Flinders Medical Centre, Emergency Dept.
Is open 24hrs.