In collaboration with Curtin University, a research group here at Flinders are exploring what impact COVID-19 has had on student’s access to food.
They’re using a Qualtrics survey to ask a number of questions about your food access over the last 12 months.
Health, Counselling and Disability Services (HCD) has reviewed and endorsed this survey, as has the university as a whole.
The research team are doing a final push to get some more responses, before closing the survey on the 14th May. Thus you might get notification about this survey from multiple channels, including this post, Ping! and other groups within Flinders (e.g. FUSA).
I encourage you to complete this survey, whether or not COVID-19 has affected your access to food. The results of this survey will help us plan better how we support students around basic needs such as food. We know that reliable food access is a problem for many students, so the more we can learn about your food needs, the better we can structure services like the Flinders Market.
As an incentive, those who complete the survey can also go into a draw for one of 14 x $50 food vouchers which might help with the monthly budgeting (i.e. a chocolate fund). Click the image below to get taken to the survey itself.
Survey aside, if you have been struggling with food access, see this post we put up earlier about various food focused and other wellbeing support services. Also, remember the student support services directory.