A note for students who utilise the Flinders Laneway arrived via email from the Disability office….
A quick note to let you know that we’re undertaking rectification works to the ground surface in the Flinders Laneway. This will commence on Saturday 4 December 2021 from 6am.
This work will involve removing the painted sloping ground outside of the toilets in the breezeway and the Mathew Flinders Theatre (MFT) Foyer and re-laying new bitumen.
The project will benefit our University community by improving the surface and providing better water drainage in this area.
Please be aware that a number of areas will be affected during these works and there will be no access to the following areas from the Laneway:
· eastern entrance of the Humanities toilets breezeway
· eastern entrance to the MFT foyer
· south-facing door of the Drama Centre, adjacent to the MFT foyer.
For safety reasons, on Saturday 4 December and Wednesday 8 December the laneway will be closed all day. Foot traffic will be diverted from Car Park 5 and the Student Hub through Humanities Courtyard. Please follow the signs.
On Monday 6 December and Tuesday 7 December, the laneway will be open but there will also be:
· diversions for pedestrians access to the Student Hub, Central Library, Humanities, retailers and Oasis
· noise in the area, affecting the Drama Centre, Humanities and MFT.
At this stage, we expect that works will be completed by Thursday 9 December 2021.