I consider nutrition a foundational aspect of wellbeing and productivity. Dietitian Rebecca Greco has a great regular brief newsletter providing actionable nutritional tips. I recommend subscribing. Reading time ~ 2 minutes.
Rebecca Greco worked for a while here at Flinders on initiatives related to improving the nutrition of students.
She is now out in the big wide world consulting as a Dietitian under the moniker Nourish Adelaide.
One of the free services she offers is weekly nutrition tips/recipes/offers. Quick and easy to digest (pun intended).
If you’ve been thinking about improving the quality of the nutrition you put in that meat suit of yours, a simple step you could take is to subscribe to her weekly tips.
Simply visit her home page and scroll down until you find “Subscribe for Complimentary Nutrition Tips!” and enter your details. Rebecca’s tips are brief, informative and will definitely get you making small healthy modifications to the way you eat.
Her email this week was right in my wheelhouse. She talked about ratio of nutritious and unhealthy foods we eat and the effect it has on our hippocampus – a brain structure associated with learning, memory and mood regulation. Basically, the food we eat impacts on our mental health via the size of our brains!!
In previous emails she told me how much fibre I should be getting each day (spoiler: I need to eat more veggies) and how to avoid tomato-based stains on Tupperware (the secret is a thin coating of olive oil).
Think of them as weekly prompts to help you to consider the value of good nutrition 🙂
There is a lot more to Rebecca’s practice than just the weekly tips. Visit her site to learn about her individual appointments, diabetes workshops, nutrition workshops and other resources.