I come across way more cool wellbeing-related content than I can possibly cover here on the blog, so I might try publishing the occasional ‘linkfest’ of stuff I’ve come across. See if there is anything here of interest to you. Reading time ~ 1 minute.
A colleague shared an article from UniSA on a study exploring the benefits of 1/2 a cup of walnuts per day for reducing stress – https://www.unisa.edu.au/media-centre/Releases/2022/walnuts-the-new-brain-food-for-stressed-university-students/
I like this article on procrastination because it highlights that procrastination is influenced by a number of cognitive biases that affect us all. This moves us away from discussing procrastination as a disorder and treating it more like a quirk of human nature that most of us need to develop strategies to manage – https://theconversation.com/procrastination-the-cognitive-biases-that-enable-it-and-why-its-sometimes-useful-195845
Tom Cochrane, a senior lecturer in philosophy here at Flinders wrote an article exploring the state of ‘flow’ and how to achieve it – https://iai.tv/articles/distraction-flow-and-the-creative-mind-auid-2376?_auid=2020
I’ve only just started to explore the incredible body of longevity and health content produced by Peter Attia MD and his team. His book is coming out soon – https://peterattiamd.com/outlive/ and might be a good entry point for you.
Happiness researcher Christopher Boyce lists some of the things he’s learned about happiness, not so much from his research, but his life experiences – https://theconversation.com/ive-spent-years-studying-happiness-heres-what-actually-makes-for-a-happier-life-197580
I loved this image posted by Dr Maria Alejandra Pinero de Plaza, PhD on twitter. It helps me think about what I know about wellbeing and how the goal is to move from interesting facts to helpful insights I can share with others