To me ‘spring’ means my garden looks lovely, and my eyes water constantly and I sneeze a lot. I think it wonderfully cruel of the universe to give me a love of gardening and bad allergies at the same time.
But spring is not just about me and my inability to tame histamines. Flinders University is celebrating spring by basically having a big party that the whole family can attend.
It is called SpringFest and it is a day (6th October – this coming Saturday) of free activities and experiences on the Bedford Park campus for children and adults of all ages.
Activities include:
- live music
- nature play
- market stalls
- art
- basket weaving
- animals
- science exhibits
- movies
- ice-cream (let’s face it, that is why you want to come)
- yoga
- face painting
- dinosaur stuff
- and food
Registration (cause you just can’t turn up and expect us to entertain you)
Here is a 15 second video that won’t make things much clearer