“There are as many ways to communicate as there are to be human! Everyone communicates!” An important reminder from Ed Wiley.
This week we celebrate Autism Awareness Day, although some people prefer to call this World Autism Acceptance Day. A time to celebrate strengths and acceptance of differences.
There are many students here at Flinders who identify with Autism, with the numbers increasing each year, and we welcome the many strengths these students bring to our university community.
UTAS and the National Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education (NCSEHE) has recently released some research around supporting students with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Higher Education, and I recommend having a read.
For the study, UTAS students on the Autism Spectrum were given a camera and asked to take photos around the University campus. The photos and insights from this study are a fantastic awareness into how some students experience a university campus. You may be surprised by the things which were photographed and why. For example, look at the learning spaces, the walkways and doorways and see them from a new perspective.
To learn more about Autism, take a look at some of the following:
Amythest Schaber has a great youTube Channel ‘Neuro and Wonderful – Ask an Autistic’
The Olga Tennison Autism Research Centre (OTARC) was established to advance knowledge on the nature and causes of Autism Spectrum Disorders, as well as to develop and study evidence-based strategies for supporting individuals and families affected by these conditions.
Autism Spectrum Australia (Aspect) is a not-for-profit autism specific service provider. Aspect builds confidence and capacity in people with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD), their families and communities by providing information, education and other services.
The Disability Service is looking for guest bloggers to share insights about studying with a disability or health condition. Email disability@flinders.edu.au if you have a blog idea.