Eating well @ Flinders is an initiative to help promote and support healthier eating and good wellbeing for students at Flinders University.
I am a strong advocate for the need of a group like this within the university for two main reasons:
- Food insecurity. Managing the costs of living is a reality for many students. Food can consume a large proportion of the weekly budget. Knowing how to maintain a healthy diet at minimal cost is a critical skill for students.
- The role of nutrition in mental health. Over the last 10 years, I’ve witnessed a significant transformation in psychiatry/ psychology involving an acknowledgement of just how important nutrition is in determining our mental health. Groups like the one at Deakin (https://foodandmoodcentre.com.au/) are helping to revolutionse our understanding of how diet can be used as both a preventative and treatment approach to mental health.
Yesterday I got to meet with Rebecca Greco, who along with Dr Carly Moores are heading up the EatingWellAtFlinders initiative.
It was clear we shared a common interest in helping students access the best infomation and advice about healthy eating. As a result, I’ll be featuring more of their content on this blog over time.
To kick off though I want to promote a survey they are running to better understand nutritional literacy and behaviours in students. See the details below.
I strongly encourage you to participate in the survey as the better understanding they have about student dietary needs, the more focused their efforts can be to address those needs.
Are you:
☑️ enrolled to study at Flinders University? and
☑️ aged 17 years or older?
If so.. we want to hear from you!
We want to know more about your food and eating habits, access to food, and what you know (and want to know) about nutrition. We also want to know what kinds of things you would like us to do this year so we can tailor the activities we do to your needs.
The survey will take approximately 30 minutes to complete. We appreciate your participation in this study and in recognition of your time and contribution, there will be an opportunity for participants to be in a random prize draw. Prizes are bundles of food and nutrition-related items e.g. recipe books, food storage containers, utensils, and/or cooking equipment
Link to the survey: https://qualtrics.flinders.edu.au/…/form/SV_bCULZWQq833ARWR…
If you’d like to stay up-to-date with the activities of the EatingWellAtFlinders crew, follow them on: