Here at Health, Counselling and Disability Services we are mindful that some students and their families have been affected by the bushfires.
Many organisations have prepared bushfire recovery resources and I wanted to use this post to link to a few of the key ones.
Reproduced the email that went out recently from Professor Clare Pollock – Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students)
Dear student,
The recent bushfires sweeping through Australia have seen a devastating impact on communities. My thoughts are with those affected, as well as those in areas still under threat, during these extremely difficult times.
If you have been directly impacted by the bushfires, I would like to reassure you that University staff will do their utmost to support you, as you continue your studies at Flinders.
If you need financial support, the Flinders University Student Association (FUSA) offer financial advice and emergency financial assistance. This includes interest free loans of up to $500 for students in need. Please contact FUSA by email at fusa@flinders.edu.au for further information. For commencing students, Flinders also offers a range of scholarships based on financial need.
If you require any flexibility in meeting academic requirements (for example, submitting assignments or attending exams) please contact your Course or Topic Coordinator in the first instance. They will be able to discuss a plan to help you complete your assessment pieces.
In some circumstances, students may be able to begin studies online or via our regional partners. Please call 1300 354 633 (select option 1) for more information about this.
I would also like to remind you that our Health, Counselling and Disability Service is open during the summer break. Appointments are available on campus, as well as via telephone and Skype.
If you would like to speak with a counsellor, you can make an appointment by calling (08) 8201 2118 between 9am and 5pm on weekdays or email counselling@flinders.edu.au. Outside these hours, crisis counselling support is available to Flinders’ students by calling 1300 512 409 or by texting 0488 884 103. This includes weekends and public holidays.
Lastly, if you need help with 2020 enrolment, just a reminder that you can submit a request for enrolment support online through flinders.edu.au/ask or call Flinders Connect on 1300 354 633 (select option 2) for help over the phone. Enrolment Support Centres are open on campus for face-to-face help.
I wish you all a safe remainder of the summer. Please do reach out to the University’s support services, should you need it.
Best regards,
Professor Clare Pollock
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students)
Flinders University
GPO Box 2100 │ Adelaide SA 5001 │ AUSTRALIA
dvcs@flinders.edu.au │ www.flinders.edu.au
State based fire recovery resources
National Bushfire Recovery Resources
Australian Psychological Society
Psychological recovery resources
Department of Health
Mental Health Supports for those affected by bushfires
Department of Human Services
Financial supports available to those affected by the bushfires
Bushfire Recovery Access Program – free counselling and mental health supports
National Bushfire Recovery Agency
Contacts for emergency assistance and commonly asked questions