Flinders University Sports and Fitness Members Private Facebook


Taken directly from – https://www.onesportandfitness.com.au/fusf-members-facebook-group/

In order to continue to support and motivate you during this challenging time, we have created a FUSF MEMBERS ONLY facebook group.

PLEASE JOIN BEFORE 5PM FRIDAY 27TH MARCH to ensure you are added to this private group, and able to access its exclusive content.


Please note, that this is a work in progress, so content has not been uploaded yet. Ensure your notifications are switched on so you are able to receive this as it is uploaded over the next short while.

I love a good secret society!! If they have their own handshake and underground lair, then I am totally in.

Follow them on Instagram as well – https://www.instagram.com/flindersunisportfitness/?hl=en

My fitness plans at the moment are to get up regularly from my desk to get chips.

Posted in
Flinders services and programs

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