A couple of Flinders support services websites worth knowing about


Since the Coronavirus rocked up and plunged us into strange times, Flinders University (or more correctly the people at Flinders University) have been working their a$%es off trying to get as much information and content online as possible.

In the process you may have missed a couple of useful student-centred sites that have popped up, that might contain answers to the many questions students have during the transition to the new world.

Because being well is of the result of being well informed, I’d like to bring them to your attention.

The Online Hub is keeping track of all the various support services that have been moved online and contains critical contacts for getting support.

They even have their own wellbeing blog! (although of course I consider this a considerable encroachment on my territory and intend to launch a turf war 🙂 )

There is a lot covered on the page: finding your way, support services, staying connected, staying social online and 24-hour study supports.

There is also a picture of a cat on a keyboard which is hilarious because (most) cats can’t type. I know. I tried to train the local stray to do my blog posts for me.


The other page worth knowing about is the Flinders Support Network (FSN) page.

It is a little more text heavy and contains no cats, but it does contain links to the relevant support services.

You may also hear from the FSN via email or text as they check in with students to see if they are adapting OK to the ‘new ordinary’ (that is what I am calling our new way of life).


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