A headspace centre has opened at Marion


One of the intake team just let me know that a new headspace centre has opened at Marion.

‘headspace Marion is a free and confidential service where young people aged between 12 – 25 can access qualified youth mental health professionals.

We offer supports for young people who are experiencing a tough time or are worried about drug and alcohol use, mental, physical or sexual well being. All of our services are free and there is no formal referral required. If you or someone you know is having a tough time a referral to headspace is easy.’

You can find this headspace centre at:

headspace centres are unique in that they tend to package up a number of related services in the one place.

For example, at headspace Marion they have mental health services, sexual health services, work and study services, doctors and alcohol and drug services.

You can refer yourself via this form – http://forms.sonder.net.au/hsM-entry

So if you’ve been struggling with any of the issues mentioned above, consider reaching out to this new centre.

Remember counselling and GP services are also available here at Flinders University – https://students.flinders.edu.au/support/hcd

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External health and mental health services Mental Health

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