As of today (29/6/21) masks will again be mandatory for health and allied health settings. This means that all Health, Counselling and Disability staff will be required to wear masks and all patients (i.e. students) of the Health, Counselling and Disability Service will be required to wear masks also.
The plan going forward with the current restrictions will be:
- Telehealth appointments will be the preferred method of service delivery. In fact, all appointments that can be moved to telehealth are being moved to telehealth.
- GP appointments can be face to face if required but masks should be worn at all times.
- Counselling and Disability appointments that need to be face-to-face will require that masks are worn at all times.
- Patients who attend the clinic will be asked to sanitise their hands and asked a series of questions about travel and symptoms.
If you have an upcoming appointment, you will be contacted regarding moving the appointment to telehealth if possible. Some changes to checking in for your appointment may also be sent out via SMS so check your phone if you have an upcoming appointment.
Please also check the SA COVID site for more information on restrictions in other settings –
These revised restrictions are “pre-emptive to prevent outbreaks like those currently in other parts of the country“.