The Student Health and Wellbeing blog benefits greatly from having authors other than myself.
For example, posts from students and other staff members here at Health, Counselling and Disability Services always perform well in terms of readership and response.
They provide diversity and alternative perspectives and expertise on issues that I don’t necessarily have. Matt, for example, writes brilliantly on issues of racism and reconciliation. Maureen writes expertly on yoga practices. Ex-student Serena would write elegantly on nutrition and body image.
Diversity of authors means diversity of topics and that is a good thing. And as I start making preparations for 2022, one of my goals is to build the blog through diverse authorship.
Many students and staff aren’t aware that they can write for the blog. But doing so can give you some good exposure. We have a mailing list of 2500+ and our posts often get picked up for inclusion in Ping! or included on our (or others) social media channels (e.g. Oasis Facebook). So what you write can get some coverage.
Would you be interested in writing something for the blog?
Article options include (but are not limited to):
- Something you’ve learned about health and wellbeing from your studies/work/research
- What practices you engage in regularly to look after your health and wellbeing
- What your experiences in life have taught you about self-care
- Your journey of managing a particular illness and what you’ve learned along the way
- Information about a wellbeing-focused group/organisation that you belong to
- Information about a wellbeing related project you are running
- A summary of some interesting wellbeing research you’ve read recently
If you aren’t sure what to write, but are still interested in writing, I can help with idea development. I can also provide some basic editorial support and advice on how to shape or revise your contribution.
Somewhere between 500-1000 words tends to work well.
Writing on the blog has been incredibly helpful for me in both organising my thoughts, but also freeing up my capacity to express and explain my ideas.
Perhaps it can help in a similar way for you 🙂
If you are interested in writing for the blog (only has to be a single post if you want), contact me: gareth.furber@flinders.edu.au. Don’t be shy. We all have the same aim here which is to contribute helpful content to the Flinders community.