Pretty much everyone procrastinates. Each of us therefore has a responsibility to ourselves and others to develop strategies to manage procrastination so it doesn’t get too out of control. Studyology is a program that explores psychological tools for tackling procrastination. It is running this year, kicking off on the 27th April and you can get involved.
Studyology is an in-house program, developed here at Flinders, which uses principles from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy to help students tackle procrastination.
You can learn more about the program at this post.
I’m happy to announce that we will be running the program this year, kicking off on the 27th April. The program runs for 5 weeks with live online sessions on Thursday evenings from 6pm to 7.30pm.
That means: 27th April, 4th May, 11th May, 18th May and 25th May.
There are basically two options for engaging with the program.
Option 1) attend the live sessions in the evenings and work through the materials with me as your guide.
Option 2) join the Studyology distribution list and get the recordings of those sessions and accompanying materials via email to work through in your own time.
We already have a bunch of students onboard for this program, but we always welcome more.
If you’ve found yourself falling behind in Semester 1 due to leaving things ‘until tomorrow’ joining the program might be just the spark you need to get back on track.
To join, just email me: gareth.furber@flinders.edu.au before the 27th April and I’ll add you to the distribution list.
If you are thinking ‘I’ll do that program later’ then that is the procrastination talking 😊