The College of Medicine and Public Health (CMPH) is exploring the mental health and wellbeing of med students. The project is being led by Dr Dominique Caprani and a survey is currently out for med students to share their thoughts on supporting the mental health of med students. Details in post.
Now I am obviously biased, given that I work in mental health and wellbeing, but it is exciting seeing the many initiatives happening around Flinders that have student mental health in mind.
One of those initiatives is taking place in the College of Medicine and Public Health (CMPH) and involves a detailed exploration of the mental health needs of medical students (Bachelor of Clinical Sciences and Doctor of Medicine).
Leading that project is Dr Dominique Caprani – Evaluation Coordinator for the Medical Student Wellbeing Project. This blog post is a virtual introduction to Dominique and her work, with a focus on a survey she is conducting.
Hi! My name is Dominique, and I am evaluating the effectiveness of the resources offered by Flinders University to support Medical Student’s Mental Health Wellbeing.
As a General Practitioner I know how stressful life as a medical student can be so having access to wellbeing resources that are effective is great!
I have created a short survey and would kindly ask all medical students to answer it. Your responses will assist in tailoring the University’s Mental Health support services and resources to best meet student’s needs. Participation is entirely voluntary and confidential, and no personal details or IP addresses will be collected to ensure you feel comfortable to respond openly.
You can contact me at if you have any comments or questions.
Thank you for your help!
If you are a med student, please consider participating in the survey or at least make contact with Dominique to share your views on how best to support med students.