Join Flinders partner Medibank for an inspiring talk with Hugo Toovey, a young Army Captain and two-time cancer survivor, as part of Medibank’s Live Better series, where he will share his personal journey, covering topics of mental and physical health, early detection, and having challenging conversations about health, highlighting the importance of taking proactive steps towards well-being.
Medibank are a preferred provider of Overseas student health insurance here at Flinders.
They have also been active in providing lots of wellbeing focused events and talks recently part of their Live Better series.
Coming up soon is a ripper of a talk from Hugo Toovey, a young man who has been through a lot and lives to tell the tale.
Don’t wait until it’s too late
….. with Hugo Toovey
In this session he will cover the following:
- Mental and physical health
- Early detection
- How to have challenging conversations about health
Who is Hugo Toovey?
Hugo Toovey is a 31 year-old Army Captain, Founder of 25 STAY ALIVE, a two-time Cancer Survivor and a Mental Health Advocate.
If you didn’t know Hugo, you would assume that he was your typical everyday young Australian. And yes, from the outside, he appears to be exactly that. However, the last 10 years of his life has been everything BUT normal. He is missing a testicle, part of his reproductive system, all of his abdominal lymph nodes, his large bowel, his rectum and part of his small bowel.
Not only has Hugo survived both testicular cancer and bowel cancer, but he has also had ongoing battles with his mental health. Yet despite all of this, he is more determined than ever to use what he has gone through to save lives.
Hugo is also a proud ambassador for Movember, Gotcha4Life and the Jodi Lee Foundation.
Thursday June 15th from 12-1
Tickets at Eventbrite – https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/dont-wait-until-its-too-late-tickets-634438260917