This is a repost from Flinders in Touch inviting staff and students to join yarning circles on October 4 at the Bedford Park campus to discuss health and wellbeing, reconciliation, and the Voice to Parliament from an Indigenous perspective.
Flinders is hosting Wellbeing Yarning Circles so that staff and students can participate in Deep Listening and Meaningful Conversations, which include discussions about The Voice to Parliament.
All staff and students are invited to participate in yarning circles on October 4 at the Bedford Park campus to focus on health and wellbeing, centred around Indigenous ways of knowing, being and doing. Each yarning circle will foster cultural learning, and enable conversations on reconciliation, race relations and the call for a Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice to Parliament.
The yarning circles will offer a safe space without judgement to participate in these discussions. Everyone will be encouraged to speak, one at a time, without interruption. This is a process that helps to develop deep listening skills, sharing knowledge and establishing respect in a safe and culturally informed space.
Each yarning circle will be held at the Yungkurrinthi Inparrila Cultural Gathering Space on Kaurna Yarta, with three sessions between 10am and 3.30pm on Wednesday 4 October and be co-facilitated by Tod Stokes, from Legacy Counselling and Consultancy, and Bianca Stawiarski, from Warida Wholistic Wellness.
To book your seat at the free Yarning Circle events, book here: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/wellbeing-yarning-circle-tickets-700663622757