If you are asking yourself – “what the hell is FISC?”, then this post is probably not for you.
FISC (Flinders International Study Centre) helps prepare international students to pursue a degree at Flinders University. They teach subject specific knowledge, study skills, English language skills and cultural adaptation.
If you are a FISC student, its important that you know that some of the Flinders Health, Counselling and Disability Services are available to you. This includes access to:
- the general practitioners at the University’s Health, Counselling and Disability Services on the same basis as available to Flinders University students;
- the counsellors at the University’s Health, Counselling and Disability Service on the same basis as available to Flinders University students; and
- the prayer rooms and the OASIS wellbeing centre.
FISC students can also access an initial assessment from a Disability Advisor for the purpose of developing an Access Plan [an Access Plan is a description of the impact of any disabilities you have on your ability to study, and any agreed supports or adjustments to assessment or exams as a result]. Ongoing supports however will have to come from the school (i.e. FISC).
Have a good day 🙂